Clarin-PL Embeddigs Library
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We would like to encourage community to contribute to LEPISZCZE by submitting results of models.

1. Predict on a test subset

Fine-tune your model and predict labels of test subset. Preferably you should repeat that a few times to get avaraged metrics. You should use at least one dataset from the table below.

dataset_name input target
allegro/klej-cdsc-e [‘sentence_A’, ‘sentence_B’] entailment_judgment
allegro/klej-dyk [‘question’, ‘answer’] target
allegro/klej-polemo2-in sentence target
allegro/klej-polemo2-out sentence target
allegro/klej-psc [‘extract_text’, ‘summary_text’] label
clarin-pl/2021-punctuation-restoration tokens tags
clarin-pl/aspectemo tokens labels
clarin-pl/kpwr-ner tokens ner
clarin-pl/nkjp-pos tokens pos_tags
clarin-pl/polemo2-official text target
laugustyniak/abusive-clauses-pl text class
laugustyniak/political-advertising-pl tokens tags

2. Get list of your packages with versions

Prepare list of your installed packages in a training environment. It should look like ["torch==1.11.0", ...]. You can also do it using the below script.

3. Generate submission file

Is possible to do it in two ways.

  • Install embeddings package
pip install clarinpl-embeddings
  • Put your data in accordance with comments
import datasets
import numpy as np

from embeddings.evaluator.evaluation_results import Predictions
from embeddings.evaluator.leaderboard import get_dataset_task
from embeddings.evaluator.submission import AveragedSubmission
from embeddings.utils.utils import get_installed_packages

DATASET_NAME = "clarin-pl/polemo2-official"

hparams = {"hparam_name_1": 0.2, "hparam_name_2": 0.1}  # put your hyperparameters here!

dataset = datasets.load_dataset(DATASET_NAME)
y_true = np.array(dataset["test"][TARGET_COLUMN_NAME])
# put your predictions from multiple runs below!
predictions = [
        y_true=y_true, y_pred=np.random.randint(low=0, high=4, size=len(y_true))
    for _ in range(5)

# make sure you are running on a training env or put exported packages below!
packages = get_installed_packages() 
submission = AveragedSubmission.from_predictions(
    submission_name="your_submission_name",  # put your submission here!
    embedding_name="your_embedding_model",  # put your embedding name here!


Method 2: Manually

  • Fill out the submission file according to the following scheme
  "submission_name": [str],
  "dataset_name": [str],
  "dataset_version": [str],
  "embedding_name": [str],
  "hparams": [dict[str, Any]],
  "packages": [list[str]],
  "config": [dict[str, Any] or null], # any additional config if you need
  "leaderboard_task_name": [str], # see table below
  "metrics": [
      "accuracy": [float],
      "f1_macro": [float],
      "f1_micro": [float],
      "f1_weighted": [float],
      "recall_macro": [float],
      "recall_micro": [float],
      "recall_weighted": [float],
      "precision_macro": [float],
      "precision_micro": [float],
      "precision_weighted": [float],
      "classes": {
        "0": {
          "precision": [float],
          "recall": [float],
          "f1": [float],
          "support": [int]
        "1": {
          "precision": [float],
          "recall": [float],
          "f1": [float],
          "support": [int]
        "2": {
          "precision": [float],
          "recall": [float],
          "f1": [float],
          "support": [int]
        "3": {
          "precision": [float],
          "recall": [float],
          "f1": [float],
          "support": [int]
  "metrics_avg": {
    "accuracy": [float],
    "f1_macro": [float],
    "f1_micro": [float],
    "f1_weighted": [float],
    "recall_macro": [float],
    "recall_micro": [float],
    "recall_weighted": [float],
    "precision_macro": [float],
    "precision_micro": [float],
    "precision_weighted": [float],
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float],
        "support": [int]
      "1": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float],
        "support": [int]
  "metrics_median": {
    "accuracy": [float],
    "f1_macro": [float],
    "f1_micro": [float],
    "f1_weighted": [float],
    "recall_macro": [float],
    "recall_micro": [float],
    "recall_weighted": [float],
    "precision_macro": [float],
    "precision_micro": [float],
    "precision_weighted": [float],
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
      "1": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
  "metrics_std": {
    "accuracy": [float],
    "f1_macro": [float],
    "f1_micro": [float],
    "f1_weighted": [float],
    "recall_macro": [float],
    "recall_micro": [float],
    "recall_weighted": [float],
    "precision_macro": [float],
    "precision_micro": [float],
    "precision_weighted": [float],
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
      "1": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
      "2": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
      "3": {
        "precision": [float],
        "recall": [float],
        "f1": [float]
  "averaged_over": [int]

Leaderboard task mapping:

dataset_name leaderboard_task_name
allegro/klej-cdsc-e Entailment Classification
allegro/klej-dyk Q&A Classification
allegro/klej-polemo2-in Sentiment Analysis
allegro/klej-polemo2-out Sentiment Analysis
allegro/klej-psc Paraphrase Classification
clarin-pl/2021-punctuation-restoration Punctuation Restoration
clarin-pl/aspectemo Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
clarin-pl/kpwr-ner Named Entity Recognition
clarin-pl/nkjp-pos Part-of-speech Tagging
clarin-pl/polemo2-official Sentiment Analysis
laugustyniak/abusive-clauses-pl Abusive Clauses Detection
laugustyniak/political-advertising-pl Political Advertising Detection

Example submission:

  "submission_name": "your_submission_name",
  "dataset_name": "clarin-pl/polemo2-official",
  "dataset_version": "0.0.0",
  "embedding_name": "your_embedding_model",
  "hparams": {
    "hparam_name_1": 0.2,
    "hparam_name_2": 0.1
  "packages": [
  "config": null,
  "leaderboard_task_name": "Sentiment Analysis",
  "metrics": [
      "accuracy": 0.25133120340788073,
      "f1_macro": 0.24305388727769806,
      "f1_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
      "f1_weighted": 0.2592122225975472,
      "recall_macro": 0.24923419165599014,
      "recall_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
      "recall_weighted": 0.25133120340788073,
      "precision_macro": 0.250706133452257,
      "precision_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
      "precision_weighted": 0.2814074697895528,
      "classes": {
        "0": {
          "precision": 0.1401468788249694,
          "recall": 0.23583934088568487,
          "f1": 0.1758157389635317,
          "support": 971
        "1": {
          "precision": 0.37796713329275716,
          "recall": 0.2515188335358445,
          "f1": 0.3020428015564202,
          "support": 2469
        "2": {
          "precision": 0.2833432128037937,
          "recall": 0.26206140350877194,
          "f1": 0.272287097692965,
          "support": 1824
        "3": {
          "precision": 0.20136730888750776,
          "recall": 0.2475171886936593,
          "f1": 0.22206991089787526,
          "support": 1309
  "metrics_avg": {
    "accuracy": 0.25148334094020997,
    "f1_macro": 0.24386686208637165,
    "f1_micro": 0.25148334094020997,
    "f1_weighted": 0.25917365911061924,
    "recall_macro": 0.25114832650274266,
    "recall_micro": 0.25148334094020997,
    "recall_weighted": 0.25148334094020997,
    "precision_macro": 0.25173539681216733,
    "precision_micro": 0.25148334094020997,
    "precision_weighted": 0.2823295048949504,
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": 0.1491199181324669,
        "recall": 0.2529351184346035,
        "f1": 0.18761415689081587,
        "support": 971
      "1": {
        "precision": 0.38471810493455105,
        "recall": 0.25500202511138115,
        "f1": 0.3066556824977757,
        "support": 2469
      "2": {
        "precision": 0.2753297642149423,
        "recall": 0.24791666666666667,
        "f1": 0.2608826500612311,
        "support": 1824
      "3": {
        "precision": 0.19777379996670916,
        "recall": 0.24873949579831933,
        "f1": 0.2203149588956639,
        "support": 1309
  "metrics_median": {
    "accuracy": 0.25133120340788073,
    "f1_macro": 0.24305388727769806,
    "f1_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
    "f1_weighted": 0.2592122225975472,
    "recall_macro": 0.24923419165599014,
    "recall_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
    "recall_weighted": 0.25133120340788073,
    "precision_macro": 0.2518172754574511,
    "precision_micro": 0.25133120340788073,
    "precision_weighted": 0.2830023617231186,
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": 0.15257352941176472,
        "recall": 0.25437693099897013,
        "f1": 0.19088098918083463
      "1": {
        "precision": 0.38210399032648124,
        "recall": 0.2559740785743216,
        "f1": 0.3058089294287086
      "2": {
        "precision": 0.2770100502512563,
        "recall": 0.24451754385964913,
        "f1": 0.2581967213114754
      "3": {
        "precision": 0.20117994100294986,
        "recall": 0.2475171886936593,
        "f1": 0.22206991089787526
  "metrics_std": {
    "accuracy": 0.0020636938941504023,
    "f1_macro": 0.002395043464221569,
    "f1_micro": 0.0020636938941504023,
    "f1_weighted": 0.001804131744309885,
    "recall_macro": 0.0031851498240062473,
    "recall_micro": 0.0020636938941504023,
    "recall_weighted": 0.0020636938941504023,
    "precision_macro": 0.002483426417726602,
    "precision_micro": 0.0020636938941504023,
    "precision_weighted": 0.003110579696499446,
    "classes": {
      "0": {
        "precision": 0.007267764926971178,
        "recall": 0.013847774512026038,
        "f1": 0.009440705319110149
      "1": {
        "precision": 0.008947979588165176,
        "recall": 0.005151908826620602,
        "f1": 0.004827091289540694
      "2": {
        "precision": 0.008777409909573826,
        "recall": 0.010412337512223268,
        "f1": 0.009398814618195977
      "3": {
        "precision": 0.006275964317457789,
        "recall": 0.008095622179825186,
        "f1": 0.006391013712195844
  "averaged_over": 5
  • save as [your_submission_name].json

4. Submit via pull request

  • clone repository
git clone
cd embeddings
  • checkout to new branch
git checkout -b submission/[your_submission_name]
  • move or copy submissions in json format to directory webpage/data/results
  • commit and push
git add .
git commit -m "submit results"
git push